London for Little Ones

When booking a family trip to London, you may be left wondering what in the world your children are going to do. London’s most common tourist attractions include museums, pubs, and theatres; none of which your kids are going to appreciate.  While it may be unbeknownst to many, London is filled with things for kids to do; from educational activities to good old-fashioned FUN!  From parks, to children’s theatres, to city farms, there is plenty to keep your little prince or princess occupied during your London holiday.

Photo by Alex Lecea
Photo by Alex Lecea

Speaking of Royalty…

If you’ve got a little princess on your hands, London can offer her the ultimate royal adventure.  For a limited time, you can visit The Enchanted Palace at Kensington Palace.  Complete with art, designer dresses, and royal clothing, this is both a fun and educational experience for your little one.  The exhibition includes, “The Quest for Seven Princesses” which showcases the seven princesses that lived at the palace at some time: Mary, Anne, Caroline, Charlotte, Victoria, Margaret, and Diana.  Your little girl can experience the actual reality of being a princess, instead of just the Disney versions.

But, if Disney is what your little princess demands, then Oxford Street has just the thing.  The Disney Store features a magic mirror where six Disney princesses appear and tell their story.  Of course, no princess store would be complete without a 28 foot castle filled with (what else?), princess merchandise for your purchasing pleasure.

Outdoor Fun

London has countless adventure playgrounds; one of which is even dedicated to Princess Diana.  These outdoor playgrounds will keep your children entertained for hours; and with any luck, wear them out enough that you can go and enjoy the theatre at night!

Settled in the centre of Kensington Gardens is the Princess Diana Playground.  This park, full of imagination and wonder, is themed after the classic story, Peter Pan.  It’s the ultimate adventure, with everything from a giant pirate ship to teepees and beaches.

For an adventure playground designed by children for children, look no further than the Somerford Grove Adventure playground.  This eco-friendly park has nets and swings for your little one to monkey around on, as well as an indoor playground for those rainy days.  The park’s main feature, however, is the nature area.  Here, your children can explore a pond, stream and fruit trees, and they can even build their own den.

A Little Culture Perhaps?

If you want your child to experience the theatre, art, or museums, but know that they (or you) would never survive, we’ve got good news.  London has theatres and museums dedicated to children.  These child-centred attractions allow children to have fun while getting a healthy dose of culture.

If a museum is what you seek, London has plenty of them that children would enjoy.  The highlight, however, would have to be the Horniman Museum.  This museum has an entire program of children’s activities- completely free of charge.  Also featured is an aquarium, completely hands-on activities at the Nature Base, live animals, and acres of gardens.

For a child-friendly theatre experience, perhaps you could try the Little Angel Puppet Theatre.  This fun-filled theatre has been around since 1961 and puts on amazing marionette shows all year long.  The theatre seats 100 people and the incredible puppeteers ensure that you are never disappointed.


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